

爱博登录页面的政策记录了在大学生活和生活的各个方面应遵循的原则和程序, 像这样, are binding on members 联合国秘书长iversity community.  政策在校董会或大学校长作为行政总裁正式批准后生效.  校长批准的政策声明必须与董事会通过的政策一致,并且必须在董事会规定的范围内.

In a spirit of shared governance, 校董会及大学校长欢迎大学各界人士参与政策的制定.

The vice presidents 联合国秘书长iversity, as a group and as individuals, advise the 总统 联合国秘书长iversity.


下列委员会有权向大学校长建议制定新政策或修订现有政策的建议:大学政策委员会, Employee Benefits Committee, 及学术委员会.  In addition, the 校董会 vets and approves policies, where appropriate.  Each University 政策 must include the name of the committee responsible for oversight.   

政策委员会就影响大学多个范畴的行动方针采取行动,但附带福利除外, i.e., 学术事务, 商务, 学生生活, and 大学的发展; or limited to one school or area but having implications for the total University, 另一个领域, or another school; or affecting the objectives 联合国秘书长iversity; or affecting the long-range development 联合国秘书长iversity.


The 学术 Council acts on courses of action affecting curriculum policies; on personnel policies only affecting faculty members; or policies whose impact is limited to only 学术事务.

大学秘书兼法律总顾问为所有政策的制定和传播提供行政支持和指导, including maintenance of the 爱博手机登录 政策 and 程序手册. 


政策 are guiding or governing principles, formally approved to provide assistance in the conduct of University affairs.

程序 声明是否通过规定的具体行动规定了既定政策的有序实施.

校董会 政策 are those by which the 校董会 operates and governs itself, 以及有关校董会与担任行政总裁的校长关系的政策.



大学社区的任何成员或团体都可以提出制定新政策或修改现有政策的请求.  It is submitted to the appropriate vice president.  The appropriate vice president is designated in the 政策 for each existing 政策.


  1. The Vice 总统 reviews the proposal and determines whether, 适当地, 它应该进入开发过程的下一个步骤,或者通知发起人它不会继续前进. If the 政策 moves forward, 副校长将其转交给大学秘书和总法律顾问进一步发展.
  1. The Secretary 联合国秘书长iversity and 总法律顾问 analyzes the proposal in terms of other existing policies; discusses it with appropriate individuals; edits and formats the proposed document; prepares it for presentation to the appropriate committee. 政策委员会检讨的政策,会先送交大学政策委员会的执行委员会. Those policies reviewed by 学术 Council and Employee Benefits Committee skip to step 4.
  1. The Executive Committee of Policy considers the edited draft and any comments from reviewers; determines if and by whom further review is necessary; determines if and when it is to be placed on the agenda of the full Policy Committee 联合国秘书长iversity; or, in an extraordinary circumstance, acts to recommend it directly to the 总统 联合国秘书长iversity.
  1. The Policy Committee 联合国秘书长iversity, Employee Benefits Committee, or 学术 Council 联合国秘书长iversity recommends the proposal to the 总统 联合国秘书长iversity as presented; or recommendsit to the 总统 with comment for possible revision; or sends it to the 总统 noting lack of Policy Committee, Employee Benefits Committee, or 学术 Council support.



The 总统 联合国秘书长iversity as Chief Executive Officer approves or rejects the proposed 政策 or revision; or refers it to the 校董会 for action.



If the 政策 or revision is approved, 大学校长将最终草案的首字母缩写,并将其发送给大学和总理事会秘书, 谁把它输入 爱博手机登录 政策 and 程序手册; sees that it is published in the appropriate handbooks 联合国秘书长iversity; notifies the Marywood community of the 批准 and the effective date. 

If the 政策 or revision is not approved, the 总统 联合国秘书长iversity returns it with comment to the Secretary 联合国秘书长iversity, who notifies appropriate persons of the status of the proposal.

一个标准的, 然而,灵活, 爱博登录页面采用了一种政策格式,以确保一项政策与另一项政策的一致性.  鼓励提案发起者在起草政策文本时使用该格式作为指南.


The statement is a well-articulated, authoritative expression of administrative philosophy and direction.  With 批准 of the 总统 联合国秘书长iversity, it is the current University 政策.


Unique terms, by being defined, add to the reader's understanding of the 政策.




References to other statements in the 爱博手机登录 政策 and 程序手册 provide a clearer understanding of the 政策.  An attempt is made to list other policies that are most closely related, 而不是搜集《爱博手机登录》中有关保单主题的所有参考资料的最完整清单.




An audit trail provides for efficient research.  While one cannot hope to capure a history of all activity relating to the development, 批准, and dissemination of a 政策, 在一个地方记录创建当前语句的主要事件是一个有价值的工具.

Specific terms are used advisedly in the descriptions of the events.

批准 规定了政策生效的日期,并强调了政策只能由校董会或大学校长制定的基本原则.

重申 is used to document review and 批准 without any change to the text.

修改后的 is used to document an action resulting in an approved change to the text. 

请注意, 本网站提供的材料仅供参考,不得被解释为大学秘书办公室和总法律顾问的法律意见.

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